Scorpions in a Meadow Chapter 3

Golden spray burst forth in the night’s sky as a rocket exploded in a flash of the brightest of lights. Dazzling red, blue and emerald sparkles swiftly followed, fanning out across the heavens and arching over the excited faces of the crowd below. An awesome array of bangs, cracks, whoops and wheezes filled the air […]

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Scorpions in a Meadow Chapter 2

Sue sipped her morning Americano and flinched as the liquid stung her lips. Her tongue instinctively flicked out to soothe the burning sensation away. She blew across the surface of the coffee and became momentarily lost in the tiny ripples that resembled miniature furrows in a field of fertile earth. A light touch on her […]

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Scorpions in a Meadow Chapter 1

Muffled words coaxed Andrew Sullivan into consciousness. A softly spoken conversation was in progress. It was too soft; he couldn’t make it out. Dried and crusty, his eyelids felt as though they were clamped shut. He lifted his hands to massage them into life, but after a confused moment, realised that the instruction had been […]

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Scorpions in a Meadow

Scorpions in a Meadow, a new philosophical thriller by Sam Driver, is out now. Andrew Sullivan is a thirty-something London professional who experiences dramatic shifts in reality after surviving a near-fatal traffic accident, leading him on a quest to understand the true nature of existence. Continuing to succumb to a succession of horrific hallucinations, he […]

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Time is Up

A full peel of a robotic Big Ben echoed loudly throughout the terraced house. Mr Jackson folded The Guardian carefully in half and placed it on the table next to his armchair. He removed his reading glasses, and allowing them to hang around his neck, pulled on the chain of his other pair and placed […]

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The Fishing Trip

Hank slowly eased the chair apart, stretching the dark green canvas until the plastic frame snapped into place. He carefully positioned the seat next to the small camping table, and pushed down on the arms, pressing the legs into the shingle. He shifted it about slightly until fully satisfied that it was stable. Gingerly, he […]

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