Month: August 2012
all change has had a facelift! It has been almost a year since the website was launched and in that time I’ve really enjoyed posting some great content and manually constructing the pages as I’ve gone along (once I’d learned how to do it!). Well, there is a fair amount of material now and the weekly […]
Read more "all change"haguro-san, japan
by old priest
Read more "haguro-san, japan"the raft stories collection – no.1: rescuing the swan
by s fowler Tom, Sam and Will lived in a large rambling house situated in the midst of an unkempt garden through which ran a bubbling and rapidly flowing stream. One night Sam was woken by a tapping on his bedroom window. He peered outside to see an owl perched on the window sill. On […]
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euro 2012
Finally, Euro 2012 has arrived! I freely admit it, I was starting to feel a little desperate for some competitive football – sad I know since the English season has only recently ended but there you go. There is nothing quite like an international football tournament to fill the otherwise barren summer months. I usually […]
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